Boral Quarries – Queensland

Comprehensive environmental and civil engineering support for Queensland quarry operations

Project Engineer:







Provide short and medium term operationally focused civil and environmental engineering services in accordance with Boral’s operational approval requirements for their current operational horizon including –

  • Review and update catchment plans
  • Create compliant staged clearing plans
  • Create erosion and sediment control plans
  • Site road and access design, including management of stormwater and other environmental flows


Work closely with state teams and regional teams to –

  • Understand local requirements and forward operational plans and potential risks
  • Conduct site visits and preliminary reviews including review of site topography and catchment assessments and conduct risk assessments as required
  • Review of background information including approvals, survey/topographical data, previous reports, existing site contaminants, current pollution control measures, existing discharge points
  • Complete Catchment assessment including relevant environmental considerations and stormwater flow path mapping including catch drains, sediment fences, sediment weirs, sediment basins etc.
  • Review of existing stormwater management measures for compliance with environmental approvals accounting for the revised/actual site catchments
  • Undertake hydrological modelling to determine required basin volumes to store runoff from the 24hr storm with an average recurrence interval of 1 in 10 years
  •  Provide summary advice of existing basin capacity versus the required capacity according to the updated catchment boundaries
  •  Water balance assessment to determine the reliability of the water management system to meet on site reuse demands
  •  Preparation of concept basin designs as may be required to achieve the storage objectives based on the updated catchment boundaries
  •  Detailed design and documentation of modifications to basins including augmented pump/rising main arrangements for construction
  •  Preparation of stand-alone holistic stormwater management plans for each quarry
  • Preparation of schematic operational procedure in accordance with the Boral template
  • Prepare detailed final stormwater management drawings including construction details and sizing for required erosion and sediment control devices.
  • Preparation of erosion and sediment control plans for site tree clearing phases in accordance with local council Operational Works Approval  include timing for device installation/removal and maintenance/monitoring requirements.
  • Assist with planning and Civil Construction Phase by provision of PDF and CAD format information, Inspection reports etc including  assistance with pre-start meetings, progress inspections, compliance audits etc.